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Tube Rentals

"Tubing is one of our favorite ways to float the North Fork. We got our tubes from Pettit's. They were very helpful and shuttled us back from Patrick Bridge. The lady at the office recommended the Blair to Patrick float, she said that it was her favorite float. She was right, it was fantastic! We saw all sorts of animals, they let us float right by them. We will be back, and thanks again!" -Mary Anne


North Fork River with it's clear spring waters offers beautiful flora and fauna around every bend. One of the most relaxing ways to enjoy the river is on an inner tube. As you slowly float along, you will see birds, turtles, fish and aquatic mammals, such as muskrats and beavers. Pettit's offers single person tubes for rent. You can pick up the tubes and shuttle yourself or we can shuttle you. It is up to you!


Tube Rates


Self-hauls-$15 plus tax per tube

  • Tubes must be turned in by 6pm, or you will be charged for an additional day.


Tube with shuttle-$20 plus tax per tube


Tube Trip


Blair Bridge to Patrick Bridge


This float is two river miles long. During normal water flow, it will take approximately two hours to float. It contains some deeper pools as well as some rapids. It is a easy float that is appropriate for a beginner. Blair to Patrick is by far our most popular tube float.



© 2022 by Pettit Canoe Rental, LLC

9000 CR 354,

Caulfield, MO 65626


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Operating under permit by the Mark Twain National Forewt and Equal opportunity service provider.  Pettit's Canoe Rental, LLC and the USDA Forest Service are not responsible for any accidents.

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