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Canoe Rentals

We figure the floating time by how long it takes us to float the river. It is an approximate time frame because most floaters take their time to enjoy a leisurely float by letting the river do most of the work. You can lengthen or shorten the floating time by the amount of playing and paddling you do in the river between points.
Canoe Rates 


  • 1-6 canoes in party
    • $45.00 plus tax per canoe for a one-day trip
    • $40.00 plus tax per canoe for the second day
  • 7 or more canoes in party
    • $40.00 plus tax per canoe
Float Trip Options
1. Hammond to Blair Bridge-The Upper Half
  • We bus you and all of your gear to Hammond Mill. The float trip from Hammond to Blair Bridge will last about five hours, straight float time. You will float back to your camp. This is the most scenic float since the river flows through several hundred acres of the Mark Twain National Forest. 
2. Blair Bridge to Dawt Mill-The Lower Half
  • You put in at the campground/ramp. The float trip from Blair Bridge to Dawt will last about four hours, straight float time. You let us know what time you want to be picked up. We will pick you up at Dawt Mill and bus you back to camp. 
For those who want to float two days or more, Pettit's Campground makes a good half-way stopping point.  You can come in and set up camp.  We take you upriver the first day and you float back to your camp.  The second day you float down the river to Dawt Mill.  Then we pick you up and bring you back to your camp.  This eliminates hauling all your gear in your canoe and probably guarantees a dry bed for a good night sleep. 
We use 16 foot ABS canoes. These canoes are designed for two people. We furnish two paddles and two flotation cushions with each canoe. We do have a limited number of wearable life jackets that are available by request.

© 2022 by Pettit Canoe Rental, LLC

9000 CR 354,

Caulfield, MO 65626


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Operating under permit by the Mark Twain National Forewt and Equal opportunity service provider.  Pettit's Canoe Rental, LLC and the USDA Forest Service are not responsible for any accidents.

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