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"The campsites at Pettit's are awesome. They are clean, spacious and right by the river. I have stayed in all three campgrounds and they all have their advantages, but no matter which one you can't go wrong!" -Matthew


At Pettit's, we are first and foremost a canoe rental. We offer campsites for people that are renting canoes from us. We have enough camping areas for the number of canoes that we own. Therefore we do not allow privates or people that are not canoeing with us to camp in our campgrounds. Most of our campgrounds are next to the river with several of the sites having river frontage. 


Camping Rates

  • $8.00 plus tax per person per night

    • ​-Kids camp for free, 10 and under


RV Sites with electric and water

  • Standard camping rates plus $12.00 plus tax per night 


Reservations are recommended. 


Our campground amenities include:

  • flush toilets

  • hot showers

  • RV sites with electric/water

  • spacious camp areas

  • fire pits (we require that all campfires be contained in a fire pit)

  • picnic tables

  • complementary fire wood for small camp fires



1. Pets must be kept on a leash at all times.

2. Do not cut trees.

3. Quiet time begins at 10:00pm each night.

4. Glass bottles aren't allowed on the river.

5. No fireworks or firearms allowed on the property.




© 2022 by Pettit Canoe Rental, LLC

9000 CR 354,

Caulfield, MO 65626


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Operating under permit by the Mark Twain National Forewt and Equal opportunity service provider.  Pettit's Canoe Rental, LLC and the USDA Forest Service are not responsible for any accidents.

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